quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

Huge Solar Flares Could Spell Catastrophe for Earth - Tom Barlow - The Buyline - Forbes

Huge Solar Flares Could Spell Catastrophe for Earth

Jun. 23 2011 - 11:25 am | 955 views | 0 recommendations | 0 comments
Arcs rise above an active region on the surfac...

Image via Wikipedia

Power lines and transformers fry across the nation. Communication satellites are knocked out, the GPS network no longer works, and even the space station is sucked into Earth’s gravity well. Americans are forced to go months without power, without water systems, without television or cell phones or other forms of communication. Sound like a disaster? You bet, but the culprit isn’t terrorists or hurricanes or a meteorite; it’s our old friend, the sun.

Scientists are gathered this week to discuss a relatively underappreciated threat to our well-being, the impact a huge solar flare (also known as a solar mass ejection (SME) or solar electromagnetic pulse (EMP)) directed at Earth could wreak upon our modern technology.

How likely is this threat? Michael Hesse, Chief of the Space Weather Laboratory at NASA, said there are “No good statistics to tell you how often these things happen; maybe happening once in a hundred years, once in two hundred years…but it’s not impossible.” He’s “not going to bed worrying every night that the next morning I’d have this event. But if it were to happen the impacts would be catastrophic.”

Such an event did take place as recently as September 1, 1859. Called theCarrington Event, this CME knocked out telegraph lines across the country and the Northern Lights were seen as far south as Cuba. A similar event only a third of this magnitude knocked out the Quebec electrical system for nine hours in 1989.

Of course, in 1859 there were few electrical devices in operation, the telegraph being the most notable. Today, our society is networked by the power grid, satellites and phone lines, all vulnerable to the impact of a large electromagnetic storm. Hesse said that, “In all likelihood the space radiation associated with that event would knock out a large amount of our satellite infrastructure. You would see gigantic communications outages, of course.”

” Anything over the horizon you use radio for or radar for would be disturbed for extended periods of time,” he explained, and we could, “lose low earth orbit because the atmosphere could get heated and expand outward and cause enormous drag that could seriously imperil the space station and degrade the orbit to the point that it would be hazardous.”

He believes that such an event “…would probably take down our power grid, destroy transformers and equipment.” The most fundamental impact of such an event, he said, was that we could face no power for a very long time.

(Despite what the movie 2012 would have you believe, Hesse dismissed the connection between CMEs and earthquakes.)

We can’t stop such an event, but Hesse and others are working toward gaining the ability to predict such events early enough that networks can be shut down and minimize damage. He explained that it takes about 20 hours for such an EMP to reach Earth from the sun, giving us a window to react and prepare if the warning is timely enough.

He credits NASA’s experimental probes for providing much of the data to date that has helped us understand the sun’s behavior, but couldn’t project just when a working early warning system might be devised. He did voice a concern that there is no funding to date to create and maintain satellites for this on an operational basis.

Sunspot activity waxes and wanes on the sun in a 11-year cycle, and we are approaching the peak of sunspot activity, probably reaching it in 2013, according to Hesse. He said that there is some evidence that large CME events happen more frequently on the declining side of the peak.

This doesn’t mean that you should curse the sun or build your own urban windmill just at the prospect of another Carrington Event. You should, however, know that weather on heavenly bodies other than the Earth can impact us, in a very large way. The sky isn’t falling…but it could.

Huge Solar Flares Could Spell Catastrophe for Earth - Tom Barlow - The Buyline - Forbes

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