quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

Russia Plagued by Corruption Perception - Kenneth Rapoza - BRIC Breaker - Forbes

Russia Plagued by Corruption Perception

Jun. 17 2011 - 5:42 pm | 623 views | 0 recommendations | 0 comments

For a country as important as Russia, its high marks for corruption scar the new image Russian leaders are trying to put forth to the world.
When it comes to corruption, Russia takes the cake. And it’s not a cake its political leaders enjoy, as the country tries to position itself as a well-respect and modern emerging market leader. In fact, plagues of corruption not only have big international fund managers like Foxhall Capital Management out of Russia, it also keeps foreign companies at bay, and hurts the local economy.
According to a 2010 year-end corruption perceptions report by Transparency International, on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being ultra-clean, Russia scored a 2.1 on the index, down from a 2.2 in 2009, making it the most corrupt large nation on earth, and as corrupt as the smaller nations of Southeast Asia and Libya. Moreover, Russian citizens are the least likely out of their global peers to believe they have any shot at making in a difference in the fight against corruption. Only 45% believe they can make a difference as ordinary citizens, compared to 62% in Asia Pacific, 73% in Latin America and 81% in North Africa and the Middle East, two regions of the world where ordinary citizens were able to overthrow corrupt, money-hoarding dictators.
Why is Russia at the bottom?
“Part of it is a reaction to the old vestiges of the Soviet system, and the official undemocratic view of the world,” says Shan Nair, CEO of Nair & Co, a global risk management solutions firm. Nair, an Oxford nuclear physicist who was once part of the UK team that helped the European Commission work out its response to the Russian nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl in 1986, says a lot of the corruption comes from an anti-West animosity following the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. One client was having tax problems in Russia, so they sent a female Lithuanian employee from Britain to handle the matter. She was stopped because of her British passport, and whisked off to Rome to meet with Russian tax inspectors in an office Nair said was loaded with pin-up posters of half naked women. “They talked to this woman for nearly an hour, not about taxes, or what she was doing heading to Russia, but about how Britain is no longer an empire, though acts like it still is,” he says.
Alcoholism, widely accepted atheism, and a gangster’s take on morality has hindered Russia ever since Mikhail Gorbachev officially closed the office of the president of the USSR in December 1991. Since then, Russians have been increasingly ravaged by disease and death. It is the only BRIC country facing a shrinking population. Alcohol related health problems have life expectancy for men at just 60 years old, about the same as in Myanmar and Haiti, Public Radio International reported last year.
In Russia, elected officials, civil servants and police are viewed as the most corrupt, according to Transparency International.
One of the ways Russia is trying to clean up its perception as a public-private cartel of oligarchs and the public servants they rent out in Moscow is removing all government officials from chairman of the board positions at the state owned enterprises (SOE) like natural gas giant Gazprom. Russia’s president Dmitry Medvedev said in March that politicians had to leave their posts at the SOEs by June. Some call it window-dressing. Others say it’s a start. And some Russian insiders worry that if Medvedev is seen as pushing too hard against the status quo, he will not be re-elected in 2012. Medvedev has not yet stated his intention to run again.
“Compare corruption in India, with its 2G telecom scandal, to Russia. India corruption leads to prosecution,” says Nair. “The Supreme and High Courts are incorruptible; you never hear of judges being bribed. They deal with problems as they come. In China, there is official awareness of corruption and accounting tricks, which they use to their corporate advantage. It’s a different ball game in India,” he says.
One of the biggest problems with corruption, whether in Russia or elsewhere, is that it makes market competition in next to impossible.
“Political corruption influences competition,” says Sam Fouad, a global managing partner at Ernst & Young in New York. “Right now we are seeing a lot of government and private partnerships, which is ripe for corruption and can definitely skew competition when you have a government largess at your service. US companies are focused on this, both in the US and abroad, because how do you be successful in those markets and stay true to US rules of governance and corporate transparency? It’s a very delicate balance.”
Russia may be the black sheep in the big emerging markets, and that’s had most of its stocks and the Market Vectors Russia (RSX) exchange traded fund trading at a risk premium to the MSCI EAFE index. It’s a volatile investment, and a volatile country. Russia wants to change that. It’s hosting the emerging market and Russia-centric International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg this week, now in its 15th year. Corruption was not on the table.
Russia is not alone when it comes to corruption. According to Transparency International, when it comes to bribery, India’s got Russia beat hands down.
Percentage of Users Who Paid a Bribe to One of Nine Service Providers in 2010
India is No. 1. The US is tied with Brazil.
India: 54%
Russia: 26%
China: 10%
Brazil: 5%
USA: 5%
Institutions Perceived as Corrupt by Country
In Russia, elected officials and the police are corrupt. In the US, the Democrats and Republicans are considered corrupt.
Brazil: Political parties, parliament, congress
Russia: Public officials, civil servants, police
India: Political parties
China: Business, private industry
US: Political parties
10: squeeky clean. 0: filthy.
Russia: 2.1
India: 3.3
China: 3.5
Brazil: 3.7
USA: 7.1
Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore: 9.3
Russia Plagued by Corruption Perception - Kenneth Rapoza - BRIC Breaker - Forbes

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