terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Energia Hoje

HOUSTON, Feb. 15 – UP Petroleo has gauged 41.5° gravity oil at the facilities-limited rate of 744 b/d with no water cut from perforations at 3,235-68 m in the P6 zone in the Neocomian Penedo formation at Tartaruga field in Brazil’s Sergipe-Alagoas basin.

The formation exerted 2,800 psi flowing bottomhole pressure on a 10/64-in. choke at the 7-TTG-1DP-SES well, drilled from shore to a bottomhole location beneath the offshore Tartaruga block.

Five more zones in the Penedo appear capable of production and will be tested later. TD is 3,445 m.

Petro Vista Energy Corp., Vancouver, BC, plans to ask that UP Petroleo transfer a 37.5% working interest in the block to Petro Vista, having concluded its farm-out obligations.

The field, a 1994 Petrobras discovery, has one other well making 80 b/d that is due for workover. The field is believed capable of supporting two more development locations, and the deeper Tithonian Serraria formation can be targeted at one of them, Petro Vista said.

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