quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Earth's Gravity Revealed In Unprecedented Detail

Earth's Gravity Revealed In Unprecedented Detail

ESA's GOCE mission has delivered the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced, which will be used to further our understanding of how Earth works.
by Staff Writers
Paris, France (ESA) Apr 01, 2011
After just two years in orbit, ESA's GOCE satellite has gathered enough data to map Earth's gravity with unrivalled precision. Scientists now have access to the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced to further our understanding of how Earth works.

The new geoid was unveiled today at the Fourth International GOCE User

Earth's Gravity Revealed In Unprecedented Detail

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FRB: Structure and Share Data for U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Banking Organizations

FRB: Structure and Share Data for U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Banking Organizations

Facebook Plans to Trademark the Word 'Face' - FoxNews.com

Technology - Facebook Plans to Trademark the Word 'Face' - By Jeremy A. Kaplan - Published November 24, 2010

| FoxNews.com
Hoping to finally launch thefaceslap.com? Sorry, Charlie, you're too late: Facebook may have just won the rights to the word "face."
The social-networking giant was just given a green light in its efforts to trademark the word "face." The company's efforts have moved Facebook's pursuit of face past the opposition period, according to the U.S Patent and Trademark Office, and a "Notice of Allowance" has been issued. And it looks like the application will be approved, Neil Friedman, a partner at law firm Baker and Rannels who regularly practices trademark law, told FoxNews.com

Facebook Plans to Trademark the Word 'Face' - FoxNews.com

TEPCO president hospitalised, shares tumble

TEPCO president hospitalised, shares tumble

by Staff Writers
Osaka (AFP) March 30, 2011
Shares in Tokyo Electric Power tumbled again on Wednesday as the company at the centre of the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986 said its under-fire president had been hospitalised.

Investors continued to dump the stock amid rapidly fading confidence in the firm's ability to manage Japan's worst ever nuclear accident, with the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant still emitting high levels of radiation

TEPCO president hospitalised, shares tumble

YouTube - The Earth's Geoid Shape

YouTube - The Earth's Geoid Shape

Braskem vai participar do Comperj

"O conselho de administração da Braskem aprovou a participação no Comperj. Seu plano de investimentos, não posso entrar em detalhes, já tem verba aprovada pelo conselho de administração para o futuro investimento", disse Costa em entrevista ao Valor. A Braskem confirmou que o investimento foi aprovado em reunião do conselho realizada no dia 16 deste mês. A participação no projeto foi incluída no programa de investimentos apresentado pela direção da companhia aos conselheiros. De acordo com a empresa, só não houve detalhamento sobre quando e como será a participação.
Braskem vai participar do Comperj

ESA - GOCE - Looking into the forces that shape our planet - images

Clarified by Isaac Newton in the 17th century, 

Building a picture of the gravity field

Clarified by Isaac Newton in the 17th century, gravity is a fundamental force of nature. Everything that has mass is pulled by gravity. As Earth is not a perfect sphere and its interior has layers and zones of different density, gravity varies around the globe.
ESA - GOCE - Looking into the forces that shape our planet - images

ESA - GOCE - An intimate portrait of Earth

The high-resolution gravity measurements of GOCE will:
  • contribute to improved climate models by providing new knowledge on how gravity affects ocean circulation and sea level.

  • provide a new understanding of Earth’s interior, including magma distribution under volcanoes, thereby improving our knowledge of tectonic movements and seismic hazards.

  • underpin a worldwide height system, supporting applications
ESA - GOCE - An intimate portrait of Earth

French atomic security unready for repeat disasters: agency

FRENCH s peoples was questioning: Why Nucelar Energy??? W H Y ???
French atomic security unready for repeat disasters: agency

by Staff Writers
Paris (AFP) March 30, 2011
French nuclear security has not yet taken into account the kind of accumulation of natural catastrophes that led to Japan's atomic disaster, the head of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) said Wednesday.

"How do we deal with an accumulation of assaults? This is something that we have not yet taken into account," ASN head Andre-Claude Lacoste said when asked about lessons to be learnt from the unfolding nuclear accident at Fukushima.
French atomic security unready for repeat disasters: agency

Hundreds protest Russia-backed nuclear project in Bulgaria

Why Nucelar Energy??? W H Y ???

by Staff Writers
Sofia (AFP) March 30, 2011
Hundreds of people joined an anti-nuclear protest in Sofia on Wednesday, calling for the government to drop plans for a new Russia-backed nuclear plant after the radiation disaster in Japan.

About 300 protestors -- some wearing gas masks and radiation suits -- gathered outside the government headquarters to shout "No to Belene!" against the planned 2,000 megawatt facility on the Danube in northern Bulgaria.
Hundreds protest Russia-backed nuclear project in Bulgaria

IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

Antwerp steps up radioactivity checks on ships from Japan
Brussels (AFP) March 30, 2011 - Antwerp has stepped up checks on ships that have sailed in the vicinity of Japan to avert the risk of radioactive contamination from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, the Belgian port said Wednesday. Ships arriving in Antwerp, Europe's second largest port after Rotterdam in The Netherlands and among the world's 15 biggest, are required to present a list of the last 10 ports where they have called, the port authority said in a statement. "If one of these is a port in the Japan region, then the authorities may carry out additional onboard measurements to check for radioactivity. If any abnormal readings are found, then the ships will be further monitored by FANC (Belgium's nuclear watchdog)," it said. The "extra precautions" are being taken "as a consequence of the nuclear disaster (in Fukushima)," it said.
IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

UN atomic watchdog raises alarm over Japan evacuations

Why Nucelar Energy??? W H Y ???
▬►lOOK▬► UN atomic watchdog raises alarm over Japan evacuations

by Staff Writers
Sendai, Japan (AFP) March 30, 2011
The UN atomic watchdog said Wednesday radiation in a village outside the evacuation zone around a stricken Japanese nuclear plant was above safe levels, urging that Japan reassess the situation.

In its first such call, the International Atomic Energy Agency added its voice to that of Greenpeace in warning over radioactivity in Iitate village, where the government has already told residents not to drink tap water.
Japan has struggled to contain its nuclear emergency since a 14-metre (45-foot) tsunami hit the Fukushima plant after a huge quake on March 11, with radioactive substances entering the air, sea and foodstuffs from the region.
UN atomic watchdog raises alarm over Japan evacuations

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Google Tradutor


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1SwedbankSwedbank (Sweden)8.94
2SEB bankaSEB bank (Sweden)5.69
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Google Tradutor

75 anos da II Igreja Batista de Nova Odessa « Batistas Letos

75 anos da II Igreja Batista de Nova Odessa

Fevereiro 26th, 2011 | Missões Letas, Notícias Missionárias |

A Segunda Igreja Batista de Nova Odessa convida todos os batistas letos e amigos para o culto de Jubileu dos 75 anos de organização.

Os cultos serão nos dias 12 e 13 de março de 2011 no seu templo.

Contará com a preleção do Pr. Nilton Malves e coral de sua igreja no dia 12/03, às 19h30. E no domingo, dia 13, às 10h15 e 19h30, com a preleção do Pr. Evaldo Kriger, com programa especial.

75 anos da II Igreja Batista de Nova Odessa « Batistas Letos

O DIA ONLINE - RIO - Cabral consegue R$ 1 bilhão com o BID para investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região

Washington (EUA) - O governador Sérgio Cabral conseguiu a liberação de R$ 1 bilhão com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) para investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região Serrana. O anúncio foi feito, na tarde desta quarta-feira, durante almoço com o presidente da instituição, Luis Alberto Moreno, em Washington, nos Estados Unidos.

Foto: Divulgação
O governador Sérgio Cabral conversa com o presidente do BID, Luis Alberto Moreno: liberação de R$ 1 bilhão para o Rio
O DIA ONLINE - RIO - Cabral consegue R$ 1 bilhão com o BID para investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região

Jornal do Brasil - Rio - BID libera R$ 1 bilhão para o estado do Rio investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região Serrana


BID libera R$ 1 bilhão para o estado do Rio investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região Serrana

O governador do Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral, conseguiu a liberação de R$ 1 bilhão com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) para investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região Serrana, atingida recentemente por fortes chuvas.. O anúncio foi feito, na tarde desta quarta-feira (30/03), durante almoço com o presidente do BID, Luis Alberto Moreno, na sede da instituição, em Washington (EUA).

Jornal do Brasil - Rio - BID libera R$ 1 bilhão para o estado do Rio investir em estradas e na recuperação da Região Serrana

Previsão do preço do petróleo

March, Wednesday 30 2011 - 16:43:23
WTI Petróleo Bruto
$104.31▲0.04 0.04%
16:43 PM EDT - 2011.03.30
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$115.13▼0.03 0.03%
16:48 PM EDT - 2011.03.30
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103.44 - 105.15104.6468.01 - 105.95$120 / Barril
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Previsão do preço do petróleo