quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

Antwerp steps up radioactivity checks on ships from Japan
Brussels (AFP) March 30, 2011 - Antwerp has stepped up checks on ships that have sailed in the vicinity of Japan to avert the risk of radioactive contamination from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, the Belgian port said Wednesday. Ships arriving in Antwerp, Europe's second largest port after Rotterdam in The Netherlands and among the world's 15 biggest, are required to present a list of the last 10 ports where they have called, the port authority said in a statement. "If one of these is a port in the Japan region, then the authorities may carry out additional onboard measurements to check for radioactivity. If any abnormal readings are found, then the ships will be further monitored by FANC (Belgium's nuclear watchdog)," it said. The "extra precautions" are being taken "as a consequence of the nuclear disaster (in Fukushima)," it said.
IAEA worried about radiation in Japan village

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