domingo, 6 de março de 2011

Now Libya set for ‘day of anger' — Ministério das Relações Exteriores

Roula Khalaf and Andrew England
Libya is bracing itself for a "day of anger" as the wave of popular unrest that swept away the Tunisian and Egyptian presidents spreads to the oil-exporting north African country ruled by Muammer Gaddafi since 1969.

Inspired by the revolts in the region, Libyan activists have been calling on Facebook for mass rallies on Thursday to mark the deaths in February 2006 of a dozen demonstrators during a protest against the Danish illustrator who drew images of the prophet Mohamed.

In what appears to have been a pre-emptive strike, however, in Benghazi, Libya's second city, security forces on Tuesday arrested a prominent lawyer and spokesman for the families of prisoners who were killed in a separate incident – the 1996 shooting in Tripoli's notorious Abu Salim prison.

The arrest might have been driven by fears that Fethi Tarbel – the lawyer – could be instrumental in mobilising support for the "day of anger" in a city that has been a hotbed of rebellion against the Gaddafi regime.

source ▬☼►Now Libya set for ‘day of anger' — Ministério das Relações Exteriores

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