segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

Petrobras: The next oil colossus - FORTUNE Features - Fortune on

MARCH 8, 2011, 5:00 AM

Petrobras: The next oil colossus

Boosted by vast offshore discoveries, the Brazilian oil giant is on track to eclipse Exxon.

By Brian O'Keefe with Doris Burke

The Petrobras P-52 oil platform, 80 miles east of the coast of Brazil, produces 180,000 barrels of oil a day.

"Oh yeah, anything goes wrong out here, it's serious!"

I'm standing on the top deck of P-52, an oil platform 80 miles off the coast of Brazil, talking with a senior crew member named Claudio Marinho. Actually, we're shouting. In addition to our flame-retardant jump suits, hardhats, and goggles, we're wearing earplugs to take the edge off the industrial buzz. Turns out oil platforms are loud.

To get here I flew 30 minutes north from Rio de Janeiro to a city called Macaé, donned a fluorescent-orange vest and life jacket, and boarded a helicopter for an hourlong ride out into the South Atlantic. Marinho, a burly, voluble 50-year-old who has been designated my tour guide for the day, is giving me an education in what it takes to extract crude from deepwater fields....

Petrobras: The next oil colossus - FORTUNE Features - Fortune on

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