quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

Chevron Starts Operations Of 1MW CPV Solar Field

Chevron Starts Operations Of 1MW CPV Solar Field

by Staff Writers
Questa NM (SPX) Apr 26, 2011
Chevron Mining has announced the start of one of the country's largest concentratingphotovoltaic solar facilities. The installation, located on the tailing site of CMI's molybdenum mine in Questa, New Mexico, will demonstrate and evaluate an emergingsolar technology and a practical use of previously impacted land.

"Chevron is one of the first companies in the U.S. to demonstrate CPV on this scale. We're fortunate that we have property in a part of the world with a solar resource that is expected to be most conducive to this type of technology," said Des King, CTV president.

Chevron Starts Operations Of 1MW CPV Solar Field

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