sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

Wind Energy Conference Discusses Offshore Wind Farms | Politics | News | ERR

Wind Energy Conference Discusses Offshore Wind Farms

Published: 20.04.2011 12:19

Urmas Raudsepp ( Photo: ERR )


After lawmakers recently gave marine wind farms the green light, electricity production in the Gulf of Riga could begin as early as 2015, according to Tallinn Univeristy of Technology marine systems researcher Urmas Raudsepp.

Researchers and entrepreneurs are meeting in the coastal town of Pärnu on April 20 to map the regions of the Gulf of Riga that are best fit for wind farming.

Weather in the gulf is favorable for producing wind energy 60 to 70 percent of the time. The strongest winds are measured in the region to the south of Saaremaa. But decisionmakers also have to take into account the wintertime ice conditions, seal habitats, bird migration routes, and the concerns of local communities.

"None of us like it when something uncalled-for is built in our backyard," Raudsepp told ETV. "People like it when they are involved in the process, so that they know as early as possible, what might be established and where, for what purpose, and what the positive and negative aspects are."

The EU's aim is that 20 percent of energy consumed in 2020 is renewable. Raudsepp said Estonia still has a long way to go to meet that goal. Wind energy, he said, is the most obvious solution, but the country should also not rule out wave power.

Wind Energy Conference Discusses Offshore Wind Farms | Politics | News | ERR

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