quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

Hotels Adopt Social Media to Take Business Back From Travel Sites - NYTimes.com

Hotels have begun offering direct bookings through Facebook and smartphone apps, and they hope that the convenience and direct contact will lure back travelers who have been turning to online travel agencies.

Douglas Gorenstein

Ivanka Trump of the Trump Organization. “When I tweet out a hotel special, a million people see it.”

“We want to be there when someone transforms the recommendations of their friends into booking a reservation,” said David Godsman, vice president for global Web services for Starwood Hotels. “If they press the ‘Like’ button, we want to start a conversation.” He said he viewed his company’s Facebook pages as a way to extend Starwood’s relationship with its customers “from the 10 days they stay with us, to all year long.” Starwood has Facebook pages for 1,000 hotel properties across its nine brands.

Hotels Adopt Social Media to Take Business Back From Travel Sites - NYTimes.com

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