terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

AdNews - Intel contra-ataca tablets com ultrabooks

Intel contra-ataca tablets com ◄ULTRABOOKS► 31/05/2011

A Intel anunciou hoje, 31, durante a Computex, uma nova classe de notebooks mais leves e finos, denominados “Ultrabooks”. A tecnologia é uma estratégia adotada para aumentar a competitividade dentro do setor, após a surpresa causada pela popularidade dos tablets.

A empresa disse que eles “irão combinar o desempenho e recursos dos notebooks atuais com recursos similares aos dos tablets, com uma experiência de uso segura e ágil”. A Intel espera que o novo produto corresponda a 40% das vendas de notebooks. Os preços devem ser bons e acessíveis para grande parte de consumidores para que não fique limitado a um nicho específico.

A primeira safra dos aparelhos chegará às lojas para as compras de fim de ano. Mas é necessário tempo para que os sistemas evoluam. Os processadores são baseados nos da Intel Core, terão menos de 20 mm.
AdNews - Intel contra-ataca tablets com ultrabooks

Coreanos criam tablet que dispensa eletricidade e baterias

Coreanos criam tablet que dispensa eletricidade e baterias

Postado em 31/05/2011 às 13h51
O conceito não utiliza os sistemas de eletricidade convencionais ou baterias e é alimentado pelo toque. l Imagem: Divulgação/Fujitsu

Os tablets têm grande potencial para ser o protagonista de uma era digital. As pranchetas que ganharam fama com o iPad pretendem alcançar o mercado de maneira a substituir parte do acessórios e livros usados tradicionalmente. Diante disso, três designers coreanos desenvolveram uma versão ecologicamente correta do computador.

O trio formado por Jun-se Kim, Yonggu Do e Eunha Seo desenvolveu um iPad do futuro. O conceito não utiliza os sistemas de eletricidade convencionais ou baterias e é alimentado pelo toque, ou seja, ao invés de tomadas a pessoas precisam apenas tocar na tela para que ela funcione, tarefa simples já que os tablets utilizam tecnologia “touchscreen”.

A tecnologia é possível graças à piezoeletricidade, que é a capacidade que alguns cristais têm para gerar eletricidade ao serem pressionados. Assim os criadores colocaram uma camada de filme piezoelétrico na superfície do tablet, que ao ser pressionado torna possível a visualização das funções do computador.

Coreanos criam tablet que dispensa eletricidade e baterias

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Resenha - Exército Brasileiro

Temporada de furacões no Atlântico será menos ativa que a de 2010
Mon, 30 May 2011 12:02:45 -0300
A temporada de furacões do Atlântico que começa nesta quarta-feira (30) indica que será menos ativa que do a de 2010, mas os Estados Unidos, Caribe, América Central e México devem preparar-se diante da previsão de risco mais destrutivo das tempestades e ciclones. Durante os seis meses da temporada, até 30 de novembro, espera-se a formação de 12 a 18 tempestades, das quais entre seis e dez poderiam se transformar em furacões e entre três e seis seriam de grande intensidade com ventos superiores aos 178 km/h, conforme a Administração Nacional de Atmosfera e Oceanos dos EUA (NOAA).
"Constantemente digo às pessoas que o número de tempestades não significa muito. Utilizar as previsões para determinar se devem preparar-se ou não é que o errado, sempre é preciso preparar-se", disse à Agência Efe Bill Read, diretor do Centro Nacional de Furacões (NHC).
Ele lembrou que na temporada na qual o furacão Andrew arrasou o sul do estado da Flórida em 1992, "só se formaram seis tempestades". "Andrew", de categoria cinco - a máxima na escala de intensidade Saffir-Simpson de um a cinco -, foi o primeiro sistema em agosto daquele ano em uma temporada pouco ativa e que deixou 23 mortos nos EUA e Bahamas, além de danos superiores a US$ 26,5 bilhões.
Resenha - Exército Brasileiro


Publicado no Diário Oficial da União, edição de 11 de maio de 2011
EDITAL Nº 1 – 2011/003 – BB, DE 11 de maio de 2011.
O BANCO DO BRASIL S.A. torna pública a realização de Seleção Externa regional para formação de cadastro de reserva para provimento de vagas, no nível inicial da Carreira Administrativa, no cargo de Escriturário, em dependências situadas nos Estados do Amazonas, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina conforme Anexo I deste Edital, a qual reger-se-á de acordo com as Instruções Especiais estabelecidas neste Edital. Não haverá formação de cadastro de reserva para as cidades de Florianópolis (SC), Criciúma (SC), Itajaí (SC), Blumenau (SC), Joinville (SC), Lages (SC), Chapecó (SC) e São José (SC).

sábado, 28 de maio de 2011

Entrar | Facebook

For the second time my Personal account in the FACEBOOK is BLOCKED without a warning message to me !

I hate this procedures because my personal dates is blocked by one North American company that dont is thinking to his responsabilities with his users.

I want my PERSONAL DATES to released Asap!

I will take my legal procedures to recovered all my PERSONAL PHOTOGRAOHIES, MESSAGES, CONTACS as soon..

I was waiting to the FACEBOOK answer to my question Asap!

This post will be forwarding arround the World to all legal Departmens until my PERSONAL INFORMATIONS dont could be to release from FACEBOOK!

Entrar | Facebook

sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

Google and Citibank each throw $55M to the wind | KATU.com - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon | Business

Google and Citibank each throw $55M to the wind
This photo taken Thursday, May 12, 2011, shows wind turbines along the Columbia River Gorge near Goldendale, Wash. The manager of most of the electricity in the Pacific Northwest is running such a surplus of power from hydroelectric dams that it put wind farms on notice Friday they may be shut down as early as this weekend. A cold, wet spring in the headwters of the Columbia River Basin is sending downstream one of the largest spring flows in years. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) - Google Inc. is throwing $55 million to the wind in California.

The Mountain-View-based Internet search giant says it's partnering with Citibank to help finance the Alta Wind Energy Center wind farm in the Tehachapi Mountains.

The Los Angeles Times reports Google and Citibank are each plunking down $55 million.

The Kern County wind farm will generate 1.5 gigawatts of electricity, enough to power 450,000 homes through Southern California Edison.

The Alta Wind project is being built in phases. Segments are already generating 720 megawatts of energy and another 300 megawatts goes online by the end of the year.

Google and Citibank each throw $55M to the wind | KATU.com - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon | Business

4.2 Earthquakes Shakes Hawthorne - My News 4 - KRNV, Reno, NV

4.2 Earthquakes Shakes Hawthorne

Page Last Updated: Friday May 27, 2011 3:19pm PDT
4.2 Earthquakes Shakes Hawthorne
4.2 Earthquakes Shakes Hawthorne
HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP) -- Another series of small earthquakes shook Hawthorne on Friday, including one that registered a magnitude 4.2

Mineral County sheriff's dispatcher Samantha Corwin says the 12:45 p.m. temblor prompted no phone calls to the department and caused no damage. She says she felt "kind of a rocking motion ... like a swing."

The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake was followed over the next hour by six quakes between magnitudes of 1.2 and 1.7. Each was centered about eight to nine miles southwest of Hawthorne.

Scientists at the Nevada Seismological Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno say there have been about 10 quakes of magnitude 4 and greater so far in the sequence of thousands of smaller temblors.

The laboratory is monitoring the activity 150 miles south of Reno.

4.2 Earthquakes Shakes Hawthorne - My News 4 - KRNV, Reno, NV

quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Storm Prediction Center

High Risk for severe storms today Wednesday (2011-05-25 CDT) ...
NOAA logo bulletThe Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a major severe weather outbreak today and/or tonight. Details below.
NOAA logo bulletLatest Public Severe Weather Outlook.
NOAA logo bulletThe following Weather Watches are currently in effect:
368 ... 369 ... 370 ... 371 ... 372 ... 373 ... 374
NOAA logo bulletThe following Mesoscale Discussions are currently in effect:

Latest Day 1 convective outlook958 ... 960 ... 961 ... 962 ... 963

Storm Prediction Center

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

Millions of Europeans and Asians at risk from 'deadly tremors in unmapped earthquake zones' | Mail Online

Millions of people in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia are at risk from deadly tremors which can strike out of the blue in unmapped earthquake zones, scientists warned last night.
Attention should be focused on these regions, which lie within the interior of continents, instead of well known earthquake 'hotspots', according to two leading experts.
They stress that 'interior zone' earthquakes kill far more people than those in recognised danger areas on continental edges such as Japan and California.
The destroyed port area of Kessenuma in north-eastern Japan. Scientists have warned that millions of people in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia are at risk from deadly tremors which can strike out of the blue in unmapped earthquake zones
The destroyed port area of Kessenuma in north-eastern Japan. Scientists have warned that millions of people in Europe, the Middle-East and Asia are at risk from deadly tremors which can strike out of the blue in unmapped earthquake zones

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1389931/Millions-Europeans-Asians-risk-deadly-tremors-unmapped-earthquake-zones.html#ixzz1NJcsWpbX
Millions of Europeans and Asians at risk from 'deadly tremors in unmapped earthquake zones' | Mail Online

Japan nuclear plant confirms meltdown of two more reactors | World news | The Guardian

Japan nuclear plant rubble 

Rubble near Fukushima Daiichi plant's No 3 reactor building. The sign reads: 'Attention high radiation dosage. Stay away from this area due to high dosage rubbles 1000mSv/h found'. Photograph: Ho/Reuters. 
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant said fuel rods in two more reactors were likely to have suffered a meltdown soon after they were crippled by the 11 March earthquake and tsunami in north-east Japan.
Japan nuclear plant confirms meltdown of two more reactors | World news | The Guardian

2011 Significant Earthquake and News Headlines Archive


2011 Significant Earthquake and News Headlines Archive

segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

US Navy and Northrop Grumman-led UCAS-D Flight Test Team Honored Twice by USAF

US Navy and Northrop Grumman-led UCAS-D Flight Test Team Honored Twice by USAF

File image.
by Staff Writers
San Diego CA (SPX) May 23, 2011
The U.S. Air Force has recognized for operational excellence the U.S. Navy/Northrop Grumman flight test team that successfully conducted first and subsequent flights of the Navy's X-47B unmanned aircraft earlier this year.

The team, which performed its work as part of the Navy's Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) program, was honored at two levels by the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

US Navy and Northrop Grumman-led UCAS-D Flight Test Team Honored Twice by USAF

RAF Announces New Reaper Squadron

RAF Announces New Reaper Squadron

Source: Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom)
by Staff Writers
London, UK (SPX) May 23, 2011
A new Reaper squadron is to form at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire which will control the aircraft over Afghanistan from the UK for the first time. Speaking at the disbandment of Number XIII Tornado Squadron at RAF Marham last week, Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, announced that the squadron number will transfer to a second Reaper squadron next year.
RAF Announces New Reaper Squadron

MMX assume porto do Sudeste com a PortX

MMX assume porto do Sudeste com a PortX

Noticiário cotidiano - Portos e Logística
Seg, 23 de Maio de 2011 08:36 
Ilha da Madeira (Itaguaí) terá um Superporto com  terminal privativo para embarque de minério de ferro controlado pela MMX, mineradora do empresário Eike Batista. A MMX adquiriu na BM&F Bovespa, 92,28% da PotX.
MMX assume porto do Sudeste com a PortX

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Fukushima Update: A Very Bad Situation | Peak Oil News and Message Boards

Fukushima Update: A Very Bad Situation thumbnail

Fukushima Update: A Very Bad Situation

Well, it now turns out that many of my worst fears about Fukushima have been confirmed with the news that TEPCO has finally admitted that Reactor #1 has experienced a meltdown event that may have breached the primary containment vessel. Further, truly alarming levels of radiation are now being reported in and around Tokyo.
The prospects for containing the
Fukushima Update: A Very Bad Situation | Peak Oil News and Message Boards

Icelandic volcano ash could enter UK airspace, forecasters warn | World news | The Guardian

An image released by Nasa on Sunday shows smoke billowing from the Grimsvotn,
Iceland's most active volcano. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Ash from an erupting Icelandic volcano that has already grounded planes

locally could enter UK airspace by Tuesday, forecasters have warned.

The Grimsvotn volcano beg

Icelandic volcano ash could enter UK airspace, forecasters warn | World news | The Guardian